Jessica Butcher...
So, I've been trailing out posts better than the royal mail lately ( which isn't hard ), but you know nothing about who I am.
Although I'm not prepared to post my deepest most secretive thoughts on my ever so public blog, time for 50 facts about me. My self portrait above.
1- I have a piercing in my chest.
2- When I was about five I set fire to my kitchen.
3- I truly believe tea can solve any problems.
4- I've never done drugs.
5- Everything I see turns into a design. It makes my head hurt sometimes.
6- I'm a control freak.
7- I have my 'spag' separate from my 'bol'.
8- My nickname is Butch.
9- I love London.
10- I wish bustles would be in fashion.
11- I want to be taller.
12- I was once stung by a jellyfish
13- I live in a village.
14- I hate texting slang.
15- True Romance and Romeo&Juliet are amazing films.
16- Ages 2-9 I wanted to be a singer.
17- Ages 9-present I want to be in fashion.
18- I'm on my fourth phone this year.
19- I'm atheist, but religion blows my mind.
20- I miss high school English.
21- I hate village mentality.
22- I don't sleep enough.
23- I should have braces.
24- I should have glasses.
25- I lose a lot of things!
26- I cried at Swan Lake.
27- My favorite album of 2009 is Gallows- Grey Britain.
28- My favourite snack is cold beans.
29- I was once vegetarian.
30- I've been many stereotypes.
31- I drink too much.
32- I hate being late.
33- I went to New York last August.
34- I don't like most of Christopher Kanes' work.
35- I drink at least four cups of tea a day.
36- I don't believe our future is already written.
37- I once did a short course in Pattern making at Central Saint Martins in London.
38- I hate Lady Gaga.
39- I think boys are better company than girls.
40- I have a ring in my nose.
41- There is nothing worse than people underestimating what a designer does.
42- I dislike television.
43- My cat doesn't have a tail.
44- I was born blue.
45- I want to learn French & Italian
46- I love British fashion.
47- I hate perfection... except in my work.
48- I've never watched Scarface.
49- I wish people would be themselves, and not what they think they should be.
50- I say 'I' too much.
..........The many faces of me.
So... my design ethos. I like change. The collage above shows how many different looks I've had over the past two years. I get bored easily, not with my career choice, but with my image. I love the way fashion moves on so fast because I hate the thought of being a clone. I like making a statement, I like the fact that you can tell if a person is happy in their own skin, and clothes prove confidence. Even if that person isn't 'in' with the last trends, they are still rocking it like they want, and it's admirable. If I saw a pensioner in the street wearing suspenders, leather gloves and a tutu ( for example) I would not hesitate to applaud, shake hands, and admire them. Its all about confidence. I like an edge, and things not to be too perfect. technicality wise however, has to be worth every penny your paying. I like a challenge, I like risks, and I love experimenting with design and manipulations. That contrast of simple elegance, and gritty London edges I think is just incredible! Designers/companies I admire are Gareth Pugh, Alexander McQueen, Louise Goldin, Rodarte, Vivienne Westwood... I could go on!