Saturday, 7 November 2009

Tomorrow on Jessica Butchers' blog..

Ok, I know your probably thinking 'what the hell is with that title, does she think this is a epidsode of The Hills?' BUT. (And thats a big enhanced but) since I have no way of uploading the rest of my posts for today I figured I give you all a taster of whats to come tomorrow.

- My self portrait...

- What I did with my Saturday Afternoon...

- OutfitOutfit, Outfit?...

- My Sunday fix...

AND.. maybe more. Who knows? I don't even know. How exclusive is that?!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm mega excited for tomorrows episode of jesses blog :) WOOP!!!!!!

    you've been blogatised :D
    (that was meant to be some clever word trickery with blog and advertised but i think it failed lol)
